Due to strict European data protection rules (DSGVO, short form of Datenschutzgrundverordnung, translated General Data Protection Regulation) I have to ask for permission for sharing your data.
What for do you intent to use my data?
Your agreement only refers to your booked travel for November of this year. Data will not be used apart from that, not be used for any other purpose and of course not given to third parties not involved. Your data will be used for (1) sharing with cooperating partners to make accommodation (hotels), travelling (bus, mini bus, taxi, traffic means offices) and participation in our activities (Retreat, Zazen workshop, Calligraphy workshop, Koryu-kai meeting, Shinto ceremony and blessing) possible. (2) communicating with you in case of emergency (if you missed a traffic mean or got lost) by the tour operator Oliver Drewes, an employed retreat holder, a translator or a third person in the event that one of the previously appointed persons is unable to communicate. (3) giving you or exchanging information with you concerning our travel and related activities by the tour operator Oliver Drewes, an employed retreat holder, a translator, one of your travel mates or a third person in the event that one of the previously appointed persons is unable to communicate in form of (a) e-mail, (b) mobile phone, (c) within a whatsapp group, in case you voluntaray accepted the invitation to it, (d) within a closed facebook group set up especially and only for this travel, in case you voluntaray accepted the invitation to it.
How do you agree or retire my agreement?
You agree by clicking the click box on the booking form which link brought you to this page. Your confirmation is voluntary and you can retire your agreement later at any time to all or to single purposes.
What if you don´t agree? Please consider that without certain single agreements I might not be able to arrange several services for you.
You might find this silly or exaggerated? You know what, me too! But this is how it works here and now.